Goodbye Neighbors, We've Moved!

I am Nancy Anderton, the new Republican Precinct Chairman of Precinct #2023 in Dallas County. I was sworn into this post on Monday evening, July 10, 2023. But, I have been working in the precinct since 2020 as Vice Chair, working with my husband, Bill Anderton, who is the outgoing Chair. Bill developed a serious back problem and is awaiting its surgical repair so we switched places, he is my Vice Chair. For several more months, he would be unable to walk the neighborhood, so he passed the baton to me.

Then, in the Fall of 2023, we move into a larger house just a few miles north but out of Precinct 2023. Precinct Chairs must live with their precincts so I resigned. The DCRP's Precinct Chair Vacancy Committee is seeking an appointed replacement as I write this so stay tuned.

Bill and I have loved living in this neighborhood and being your Precinct Chairs. We still have many friends in the neighborhood and still live close enough to return to our "old haunts" often.

Nancy and Bill Endorse Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu for Re-Election for DCRP Chair

Re-Elect Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu Dallas County Republican Party Chair

Both Nancy and Bill are wholeheartedly endorsing Jennifer for re-election as Chairwoman of the Dallas County Republican Party. We encourage everyone in Precinct 2023 to join us.

You can see our endorsements at the links below. Jennifer's website just went active on July 25th and we are both proud to be the first of many to come to formally endorse her for this important elected office.

Re-Elect Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu Dallas County Republican Party Chair -

All Endorsements

Stay tuned, more endorsements and more content will be added to her site very soon.


Celebrate Liberty and Vote


There is no greater celebration of liberty than the act of voting in a free republic. We made a short film; spending an evening with "Liberty Enlightening the World," an icon of freedom and of the United States.

Click to See Our Video

Dallas Precinct #2023

On Social Media

Click here for all of our social media accounts and pages
